
writing up my proposal for my directed study, glorious. best thing ever.
it's like writing a syllabus for myself.

i am extremely excited for Where The Wild Things Are, that's due out in 2009 i guess?
it looks like it's live action, that's why i'm so excited. nothing is live-action anymore, no one uses puppets or guys in wookie suits or animatronics or anything, everything's all on the computer and awful. anyway Forest Whitaker does the voice for one of the Wild Things. amazing.

today i got gas at everett square and the attendant took one look at the backseat of my car and did a double-take and said, scared, "what is that?"

"it's just Hagatha," i said.

i hang out with hagatha and lars more than real people. i'm well on my way to becoming a hermit.
it was bound to happen one day i guess.


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