
a year in review, inspired by cait healey.

in 2008, i:

Went away on vacation with Ben, not once but twice; completely missed the deadlines for both semesters i was supposed to start back at school; got a new job that i seemingly can't escape from that makes me smell awful; hung out in a basement in one of those bowl chairs, spinning around while i bunch of people i didn't know played pool; ate way, way too many candy cane hershey's kisses; realized that i was the stupidest person alive for at least a short while; realized that i can't just sit back and wait for the universe to make my decisions for me; went an entire year without cutting my hair; put in my two weeks notice and then two days later "took my quit back"; sewed my brains out in december; managed to poke myself in the thigh with a needle while i was sewing; found out bear grylls' first name is actually Ed; celebrated five years of fury with Benjamin Michael White, the love of my life; dog-sat twice and was awarded a viking helmet in return; was told by the girls i babysit that they love me; heard some crazy-ass bitch talking about the ghost of her mother while we were in a Denny's in New Jersey; found out I was totally into the Weakerthans; played a ton, a ton of D&D; was rude to the people i love; finally cleared a foot of space around my bed so i have room to get dressed in the morning, had my first solo art show in a hallway in New Bedford; was interviewed for public access tv; starred as an extra in a zombie movie with Benjamin; pretended to eat Benjamin in said horror movie; read Twilight in one night just like every other broad on the planet; turned 21, drank a Reggae Sunsplash and got an alcohol headache; spent two nights trying to watch horror movies at Keith's house and ended up taking two long naps; spent New Year's Eve snowed in at Benjamin's house; went to a family Christmas party that wasn't my family; skipped rocks at Twin Lakes; got some fake wedding rings for my friend Amy and I at work; posted a picture of myself wearing Lars' unsewed fur as my facebook picture; took long walks in the woods with Benjamin; took a long walk on the train tracks with Benjamin; found a chipmunk leg and begged Ben to keep it, though he was probably going to anyway; talked to Ben's animals like they were people; slept in a lot a lot, let myself drift away like Pangaea breaking up; wore a nametag that said Sasquatch at work; played too many video games; bought a polaroid camera for Ben & I; made giant pumpkin cookies; made purple leather armor and wore it to work on Halloween; effectively ruined Halloween by not requesting it off nine years in advance; loathed my job; got told to lighten up; puppy-sat for puppies named after hobbits; took care of a baby rabbit that lived for one night; decided that I don't think I want any tattoos; told my co-workers that if I ever had a daughter I was naming her after my elf wizard, because Ben had made the name up and it was the most beautiful name ever; took Bentley next door to the bed & breakfast to scare geese away; watched family guy with Megs and Mike DiJune, with a gecko on my shoulder licking my neck the whole time; missed Ben's sister; missed Ben cause I was dog-sitting and he was in Indianapolis; went to the Aquarium; made and broke a shit ton of plans; tried to watch the sunset with Ben at the beach we always go to; found out I am miraculously immune to sand fleas; got my god-damned Associates degree; passed all my classes, even computer graphics; had a wondrously boring graduation party; kept the "spending new years with Ben, watching horror movies of questionable merit" alive for another year; ate lots of delicious food; cooked thai food? or was that the year before; wore lots of boots and lots of moccasins.

I had lots of very fine adventures, and I'm looking forward to this year because I can't possibly fuck up anymore than I already have. My skin's clearing up and I am very hopeful.
Happy New Year, people.
<3 Caitlyn



the skinniest young man ever in existence was in front of ben & i at gamestop today.
he had his arms folded all awkward, like they weren't long enough.

ben & i made giant, giant pancake-esque cookies! they were delicious.

we are on the lookout for a polaroid instamatic-
i have a Land Camera Automatic 103 from 1965 but... i don't know if the new 600 film will fit in it? i also don't even know if the thing works. it's a behemoth.
it was in that huge box of vintage cameras i got from some guy at the coffee shop, it's seriously the most recent one. there's all brownie hawkeyes in there and all sorts of weird shit. anyoen know aynthing about this?
both 24-hour walmarts were sold out of the polaroid cameras i was looking for.



Benjamin White and I are almost 5-
life is fuckin' awesome

i had a dream that i got lost driving home from taunton
i ended up walking around in springfield
with someone, i'm not sure who it was. we found this store called "what is that and where can i get it"
and the place was huge and all lit up, but almost as soon as i walked in i woke up
all i saw was giant slippers.


ben and i, walking down the main road at Massasoit state park
me with a handful of feathers, and a huge leaf in my hair, babbling like a crazy person.
ben's saving praying mantises from my thundering size eights and correctly identifying every flattened forest critter we see on the road.
snapping turtle, frog, turtle, snake.

later ben saves a baby frog from the umbrella outside my pool.

we stargaze and go on picnics and rename our favorite places and slay goblins and sleep in and play video games and drink way too much coffee and shut the door to his bedroom. we make ultimate sandwiches and we spend friday nights in, look for baby catfish, take my sister out every other wednesday, continue to be too cute to live.

we have more fun than anyone could understand and we are quite the pair.


I'd rather be lonely
I'd rather be free
I'm as sure as the moon rolls around the sea
but I like watching you undress
and I think we're at our best
by the flicker by the light of the TV set
'cause I can't remember why I hated you
can't remember why I still do
but I'm as sure as the moon rolls around you
that I could be happy, happy
oh, so happy, happy
oh, so happy, so happy